Club Introduction


We are a canoe and kayak paddle club for beginners who want to learn to paddle, novice paddlers who want scheduled paddle trips, and experienced paddlers who seek fellow paddlers with similar skills. If you want to learn a new sport or make new friends who share your love of paddling, then please join us. If you are looking for quiet flat water floats or expeditions, we look forward to paddling with you! With its wide, slow-moving streams and estuaries Eastern North Carolina is a great paddle destination.

The club meets every month on the second Tuesday at 6 p.m. usually at Creekside Park in New Bern. Drive past the ball fields all the way to the end of the road to find the pavilion where we meet.
Membership applications can be found on the website or can be obtained from the

Craven County Parks and Recreation Department
1821 Old Airport Road
New Bern, NC 28562

Dues are $12.00 a year per household

Want to become a member?  Fill out our membership application and bring your annual dues to one of our meetings.  We look forward to paddling with you soon!