Classified Ads

TRPC Classified Ads come from non-commercial sources to provide our membership access to reasonably priced equipment and to promote water sports.

Want to sell your paddling related stuff?  Contact Mike Murrie [] to have your announcement on this website.

Kayak Car Carrier Rack For Sale:  Posted 11/15/2021

The Malone kayak carrier has wing style saddles with a retractable modular loader that extends up to 25” back from the center of the rear crossbar to protect your vehicle and safely load the kayak.  Weight: 15.6 lb, Length: 24″ Width: 10.5″  Height: 4″ Load Capacity: 75 lbs.  $50.  Judi Lloyd,   571-5523


Mounting plate to protect the vehicle

Corrosion resistant polycarbon construction

Simple “no tools” installation

Kayak Racks For Sale: Posted: 10/2/2021

One pair of Thule hull-a-port J-style kayak racks in excellent condition.

Arline North